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- Linux-Presentation-Day basics @en:public
- at's how you do it.) metatag-keywords=(Partcipate,Usergroup,Linux User Group,LPD,Linux Presentation Day,simple,LUG,Open Source,try,engage, mailing list,linux ... r fluid="2" class="lpd-ribbon-light"> ===== Linux user groups ===== Linux user groups are the heart and soul of the LPD. These local interest groups usually
- Linux Presentation Day (LPD)
- e Linux Presentation Day. Individual local Linux User Groups bring this event to life. It is directed to beginners, new users and people considering to switch to Linux. **You as hosting Linux User Group, school, university, company etc. are the d
- 2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024 @en:public
- ,learn,experience,beginner,open source,contribute,user group,secure,fast,corona) metatag-og:site_name=... }}]] </image> **Online or as local event** - the user groups prepare for your visit. Find out what's of... guest simply come by.\\ As LUG / organizer Linux user group you can easily **sign up and get started**.
- Resources
- e must be "Free4All".\\ Create a folder with your user group name for it. Add a PNG with the same name t... preview. ====== Examples of LPD announcements of user groups ====== Get inspired by what others did:
- Spenden
- : * 2019-11-05: 200.- EUR Braunschweiger Linux-User-Group n.e.V. [BS-LUG] / * 2019-11-02: 200.- EUR Linux User Group – Villingen-Schwenningen e.V. [LUG-VS] / ht
- Call4Papers - announce your participation
- ant to casually chat to people interested in your user group. </callout> <form> Action mail ldp-de@fk
- Linux @en:public
- urse the [[|Linux user group in your neighborhood]]. The more you learn
- Event schedule / LPD-Online 2021.2 @en:events:lpd_online_2021-2
- ons * **Meet-Kanäle** to casually get to know a user group. <callout type="info" icon="true"> **The v
- Event schedule / LPD-Online 2022.1 @en:events:lpd_online_2022-1
- ons * **Meet-Kanäle** to casually get to know a user group. <callout type="info" icon="true"> **The v