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LPD dates
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hourly via [[|LEO]]: /* <php>include('_fkn-get_leo_data/tmp/fkn_leo.html');</php> <php>include(';pre=lpd');</php> */ {{url>https://l
LPD mailing lists
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changes to this wiki via [[|RSS]][[|{{icon>rss?fw&color=#4CA5F4|RSS}}]] feed <!-- FKN:20231123: weg weg
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nningen]] * [[|Germany, Schneifel]] ====== Tools for wiki
Call4Papers - announce your participation
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nk: <fc #ff0000>**Important!**</fc
Event schedule / LPD-Online 2022.1 @en:events:lpd_online_2022-1
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[[|ICal]] for your email/calendar progr
Event schedule / LPD-Online 2021.2 @en:events:lpd_online_2021-2
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[[|ICal]] for your email/calendar progr
Linux-Presentation-Day [LPD] @en:international:worldwide
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map to the LPD: [[|]]}}] The Lin
FAQ: organisation and structure @en:faq
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m. * see also: * Coordinators are right now se