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Linux Presentation Day (LPD)
26 Hits, Last modified:
etatag-keywords=(Linux-Presentation-Day,LPD,,,,linux,,,Linux-presentation-day,prese... x zum Anschauen, Anfassen und Ausprobieren,, lpd, linux-presentation-day, hilfe, ausbildung) ... tag-og:keywords=(Linux-Presentation-Day,LPD,,,,linux,,L
2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024 @en:public
2 Hits, Last modified:
xs="12" sm="12" md="12" lg="12"> {{ }]] </image> As guest simply come by.\\ As LUG / organizer Linux user group you can easily **sign up a
LPD dates
5 Hits, Last modified:
0 Tage (updated hourly via [[|LEO]]: /* <php>include('_fkn-get_leo_data/tmp/fk... .html');</php> <php>include(';pre=lpd');</php> */ {{url> 98%,400px scro... fkn_leo_past.html');</php> */ {{url> 98%,200px
LPD mailing lists
24 Hits, Last modified:
een"> \\ * For anyone interested in the overall organization, discussions * Languages: DE, EN / (__... * To sign up a Mailinglist authorize beforehand. * [[|Sign up / change data / revoke]] <fs x-large>Enter the Mailinglist [[|PUBLIC]]</fs> <!--