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- Linux-Presentation-Day basics
- "center"> <btn type="primary">[[:en:lpd|Enter the organisational area]]</btn>\\ \\ </TEXT> </jumbotron>... inux-Presentation-Day the engaged LUGs (and other organizations) orchestrate many small events to excit... container> ==== Participate as Linux user group / organization ==== The LPD only exists thanks to your... public" mailing list]] - [[|Sign up as LUG to]] -
- Invite friends via Social Media
- container id="lpd-play-desktop"> {{ ="6" md="6" sm="12" xs="12"> \\ [[ % ** We appreciate a link back to [[]] Licence: [[|CC BY-SA-4]] </container> <cont
- Linux
- ell_40.1.0.png?direct&200 |[[|Source and infos]]}}] Gnome </thumbnai... lasma_5.16.png?direct&200 |[[|Source and infos]]}}] KDE - Pla... p-standard.png?direct&200 |[[|Source and infos]]}}] XFCE </thumbnail>... screenshot.png?direct&200 |[[|Source and in
- Open source
- you may already know: - [[|Firefox]] - the web browser - [[|Krita]] - the artistic drawing program - [[|LibreOffice]] - the office suite - [[|Gimp]] - the image editor - [[https://obsproje
- 2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024
- xs="12" sm="12" md="12" lg="12"> {{ }]] </image> As guest simply come by.\\ As LUG / organizer Linux user group you can easily **sign up a