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2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024 @en:public
7 Hits, Last modified:
metatag-keywords=(linux,learn,experience,beginner,open source,contribute,user group,secure,fast,corona) ... ol xs="12" sm="6" md="6" lg="3"><thumbnail> ==== Open Source ==== <TEXT align="center"> <image shape="circle"> [[opensource|{{icon>group?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] </image> ... opers, designers, translators, etc. work on free, open source software for you. </TEXT> <btn type="prim
Linux Presentation Day (LPD)
2 Hits, Last modified:
=== Linux Presentation Day (LPD) ====== „Linux & Open Source hands on“ is the theme of the Linux Presen... orga video chat" color="green"> [[]] </callout> <!-- FKN: