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LPD dates
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announced LPDs ===== These are the dates of the next 360 Tage (updated hourly via [[https://linux-even... t the calender as [[
Call4Papers - announce your participation
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mkv** Upload Link: <fc #ff0000>**I
Linux-Presentation-Day [LPD] @en:international:worldwide
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er / Most Events online, please see dates. \\ The next Dates can be find [[:next_lpd|here]] or here as [[|Map]]. Alle gemeldeten Veran... ckages" icon="true"> Only in German: Also for the next LPD you can get the [[:paket_anmeldung|journals-p... t events? ===== A list of events can be found [[:next_lpd|here]] or you can take a look at [[https://li