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LPD mailing lists
15 Hits, Last modified:
====== LPD mailing lists ====== <callout type="default" title="The 'public' mailing list" color="green"> \\ * For anyone interes... , EN / (__There's NO archive.__) * To sign up a Mailinglist authorize beforehand. *... p / change data / revoke]] <fs x-large>Enter the Mailinglist [[
Linux Presentation Day (LPD)
4 Hits, Last modified:
o Chat** Channel. <callout type="tip" title="Our mailing list" color="green"> [[:de:communication|mailing list]] </callout> <callout type="tip" title="Our M... s:\\ You may reach us via our [[:de:communication|mailing liste]] and on weekdays 7-9pm\\ [[https://fkn-... - [[:en:communication|Sign up to the LPD "public" mailinglist]] - [[|A