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2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024 @en:public
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align="center"> <image shape="circle"> [[linux|{{icon>linux?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] </image> **Secure, fa... n="center"> <image shape="circle"> [[opensource|{{icon>group?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] </image> Communities ... n="center"> <image shape="circle"> [[lpd-basics|{{icon>handshake-o?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] </image> As gue
LPD dates
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= Organizational dates ===== <callout type="tip" icon="true"> Get the calender as [[https://wolke8.fkn-
LPD mailing lists
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c|RSS]][[|{{icon>rss?fw&color=#4CA5F4|RSS}}]] feed * Stay update... .org/feed.php|RSS]][[|{{icon>rss?fw&color=#4CA5F4|RSS}}]] feed <!-- FKN:20231