Linux-Presentation-Day basics

Since 2015 the LPD exists as an event across Europe. Our goal is to inspire people to use the free operating system.
Two times a year the LPD is held in form of many local, distributed events.

The theme “experience Linux & open source” is key.

Linux user groups

Linux user groups are the heart and soul of the LPD. These local interest groups usually meet regularly to exchange about the free operating system and to discuss topics in that context. Some meet casually, others give lectures … each Linux user group is different and every “LUG” is happy to see new faces.

At the Linux-Presentation-Day the engaged LUGs (and other organizations) orchestrate many small events to excite their visitors for Linux.

Participate as Linux user group / organization

The LPD only exists thanks to your participation.
It is the opportunity, to reach interested people and spark interest and excitement.

That's how you do it:

Enter the organisational area

Participate as visitor

The Linux user groups are excited to meet you. Just come and visit them.
All you have to bring with you is curiosity.

At you can find the events of the Linux-Presentation-Day and more.

You can contribute to make the Linux-Presentation-Day a success by signing up and engage yourself as a “helping hand”.

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