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Event schedule / LPD-Online 2022.1 @en:events:lpd_online_2022-1
8 Hits, Last modified:
find everything concerning the **online events**. All and the local events in particular you can find a... ructions and organization / help channels]]. <callout type="tip" title="Stay up to date!" icon="true... &p=221|ICal]] for your email/calendar program. </callout> At the date of the L-P-D there will be * *... talks and discussions * **Meet-Kanäle** to casually get to know a user group. <callout type="info"
Event schedule / LPD-Online 2021.2 @en:events:lpd_online_2021-2
10 Hits, Last modified:
==== Event schedule / LPD-Online 2021.2 ====== <callout type="warning" title="The LPD 2021 is over" ic... 2021.2 are still available for your to watch. </callout> On this page you find everything concerning the **online events**. All and the local events in particular you can find a... uctions and a organization / help channel]]. <callout type="tip" title="Stay up to date!" icon="true