~~USETHEME:landing~~ ~~NOTOC~~ {{htmlmetatags>metatag-robots=(index,follow) metatag-Content-Language=en metatag-title=(2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024) metatag-description=(November, 16th 2024 - Experience Linux hands-on. Visit an L-P-D near you.) metatag-keywords=(linux,learn,experience,beginner,open source,contribute,user group,secure,fast,corona) metatag-og:site_name=(Linux-Presentation-Day - L-P-D) metatag-media-og:image=(:wiki:lpd-share.jpg) metatag-twitter:card=(summary_large_image) metatag-media-twitter:image=(:wiki:lpd-share.jpg) }} {{ https://l-p-d.org/_media/medien/lpd-invitation-generic_desktop-en0001-1200.mp4?nolink&340x200 |L-P-D Teaser Video}} [[socialshare|Support us and share this video!]] ====== 2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024 ====== ===== November, 16th 2024 ===== 1. Linux-Presentation-Day 2025: May, 17th 2025\\ 2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2025: October, 16th 2025 /* 21. November? */ ==== L-P-D ==== [[:en:lpd_dates|{{:medien:logo.150x75.white.png?nolink&85|}}]] **Online or as local event** - the user groups prepare for your visit. Find out what's offered in your region. [[:en:lpd_dates|Events]] ==== Linux ==== [[linux|{{icon>linux?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] **Secure, fast and sexy.**\\ The alternative operating system is no longer only usable by experts. [[linux|More on Linux]] ==== Open Source ==== [[opensource|{{icon>group?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] Communities **around the globe** with developers, designers, translators, etc. work on free, open source software for you. [[opensource|More on open source]] ==== Take part ==== [[lpd-basics|{{icon>handshake-o?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] As guest simply come by.\\ As LUG / organizer Linux user group you can easily **sign up and get started**. [[lpd-basics|Take part now]] ==== About the Linux-Presentation-Day ==== Since 2015 the LPD exists as an event across Europe.\\ Our goal is to inspire people to use the free operating system.\\ Two times a year the LPD is held in form of many local, distributed events.\\ The theme "Experience Linux & open source" is key.