metatag-title=(2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024)
metatag-description=(November, 16th 2024 - Experience Linux hands-on. Visit an L-P-D near you.)
metatag-keywords=(linux,learn,experience,beginner,open source,contribute,user group,secure,fast,corona)
metatag-og:site_name=(Linux-Presentation-Day - L-P-D)
====== 2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024 ======
===== November, 16th 2024 =====
1. Linux-Presentation-Day 2025: May, 17th 2025\\
2. Linux-Presentation-Day 2025: October, 16th 2025 /* 21. November? */
==== L-P-D ====
**Online or as local event** - the user groups prepare for your visit.
Find out what's offered in your region.
==== Linux ====
**Secure, fast and sexy.**\\
The alternative operating system is no longer only usable by experts.
[[linux|More on Linux]]
==== Open Source ====
Communities **around the globe** with developers, designers, translators, etc. work on free, open source software for you.
[[opensource|More on open source]]
==== Take part ====
As guest simply come by.\\
As LUG / organizer Linux user group you can easily **sign up and get started**.
[[lpd-basics|Take part now]]
==== About the Linux-Presentation-Day ====
Since 2015 the LPD exists as an event across Europe.\\
Our goal is to inspire people to use the free operating system.\\
Two times a year the LPD is held in form of many local, distributed events.\\
The theme "Experience Linux & open source" is key.