metatag-title=(Invite friends via Social Media - Linux-Presentation-Day)
metatag-description=(Share our Video with your friends - Howto)
metatag-keywords=(Social Media, Video, Teaser, Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,LPD,Linux Presentation Day,advertisement)
metatag-og:site_name=(Linux-Presentation-Day - L-P-D)
====== Invite friends via Social Media ======
We prepared a videos you may use to advertise for the Linux-Presentation-Day in **Social Media** or you may as well put it on **your website**.
**Feel free to share this page or video already in the Linux community.**
There are two options:
- Download the video and upload it by yourself in Social Media
- Share an already created post
**At the very day of the L-P-D it is worth** to again post an invitiation in **private** media channels such as LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.
{{ https://l-p-d.org/_media/medien/lpd-invitation-generic_desktop-en0001-1200.mp4?nolink&960x540 |}}
====== The invitiation video for the Linux-Presentation-Day ======
[[https://l-p-d.org/_media/medien/lpd-invitation-generic_desktop-en0001-1200.mp4|Download MP4]]\\
Prepared post on inofficial channel:
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5bjlyc5nEY0|Youtube video to share]]\\
[[https://tube.sp-codes.de/w/hSsCVmZRRXQpZ1fvZi1xWx|PeerTube video to share (german for now)]]
====== How does that work? ======
Via Social Media we can reach people outside of the Linux-Community.
Social Media channels with a large reach are e.g. Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, SnapChat, WhatsApp, Telegram, ..
The idea is this:
- Activate your Linux Community peers (Friendica, Matrix, Mailinglist, Hubzilla, Mastodon, ...)
* Send them this very page or an existing post to distribute
* Motivate them to distribute the video further in their **private** Social Media channel(s) of choice
- Share the video in **private** Social Media channels
* Motivate your readers to then distribute your post
====== Anything to consider? ======
It would be awesome to have our hashtags included: ** %%#LinuxPresentationDay #LPD #OpenSource%% **
We appreciate a link back to [[http://l-p-d.org]]
Licence: [[https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en|CC BY-SA-4]]
A public post could look like this:\\
🐧 << LOCATION, DATE >> 🐧 We want to show you Linux 🐧 Invite your friends! 🐧
https://l-p-d.org/en/ #LinuxPresentationDay #LPD #OpenSource Come visit us!
A longer post could look like this:\\
<< LOCATION, DATE >>: Linux-Presentation-Day.
We want to show you Linux - visit us and invite your friends.
Want to know more?
* https://l-p-d.org/en/public/start
* https://l-p-d.org/en/public/linux
* https://l-p-d.org/en/public/opensource
* https://l-p-d.org/en/public/lpd-basics
#LinuxPresentationDay #LPD #OpenSource
====== You want to advertise elsewhere? ======
Here you can find our official [[:en:resources|media resources]], [[:en:resources#qr-codes|QR code]] and [[:en:resources|advertisement material]] for the Linux-Presentation-Day.