====== LPD mailing lists ======
* For anyone interested in the overall organization, discussions
* Languages: DE, EN / (__There's NO archive.__)
* To sign up a Mailinglist authorize public@l-p-d.org beforehand.
* [[https://l-p-d.org/sympa/subscribe/l-p-d_public|Sign up / change data / revoke]]
Enter the Mailinglist [[https://l-p-d.org/sympa/subscribe/l-p-d_public|PUBLIC]]
* For anyone interested about news on the event.
* Seldom announcements regarding the LPD (pure distribution, no discussion)
* Languages: DE, EN / (__There's NO archive.__)
* To sign up a Mailinglist authorize l-p-d_infos@l-p-d.org beforehand.
* [[https://l-p-d.org/sympa/subscribe/l-p-d_infos|Sign up / change data / revoke]]
Enter the Mailinglist [[https://l-p-d.org/sympa/subscribe/l-p-d_infos|L-P-D_INFOS]]
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====== Contact form ======
====== Streams and news feeds ======
* Matrix: [[matrix://#l-p-d.org:fkn-service.de]] until problems use room directly: [[matrix://#lpd:fkn-service.de]]
* [[https://bbb.ch-open.ch/rooms/fra-dfk-dev/join|L-P-D organization video chat channel]] (arranged on-demand via Matrix - matrix://#lpd:fkn-service.de)
* Fediverse: Follow us [[https://hubzilla.l-p-d.org/channel/public|L-P-D on Hubzilla]] or subscribe to the [[https://hubzilla.l-p-d.org/feed/public|RSS]][[https://hubzilla.l-p-d.org/feed/public|{{icon>rss?fw&color=#4CA5F4|RSS}}]] feed
* Stay updated on changes to this wiki via [[https://l-p-d.org/feed.php|RSS]][[https://l-p-d.org/feed.php|{{icon>rss?fw&color=#4CA5F4|RSS}}]] feed