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- Fragen und Antworten (FAQ) @de:faq
- die Sprachen: EN, NL, FR, IT, TR, und weitere. [[:translations|Hier erfährst Du mehr zu Ăbersetzungen]]. =====
- Linux-Presentation-Day [LPD] @en:international:worldwide
- and others. If you are interested, please read [[:translations|here]].</callout> <callout type="success" icon=
- Linux-Presentation-Day [LPD] @de:international:worldwide
- und weitere. Wenn Du Interesse hast, liest Du [[:translations|hier]] weiter. </callout> <callout type="succe
- Translations
- {{entry>Mehrsprachig;-}} {{entry>Translations;-}} ====== Translations ====== It is possible to translate single pages into another language. For this purpos... menu. Please send a short request if necessary. Translations for LEO need a file, please ask explicitly. If y
- FAQ: organisation and structure @en:faq
- tasks * Press * Design media * translations * ... * Coordinators * Are people or