
Unten sind die Ergebnisse Ihrer Suche gelistet.

LPD mailing lists
2 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
c|RSS]][[|{{icon>rss?fw&color=#4CA5F4|RSS}}]] feed * Stay update... .org/feed.php|RSS]][[|{{icon>rss?fw&color=#4CA5F4|RSS}}]] feed <!-- FKN:20231
1. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024 @en:public
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
align="center"> <image shape="circle"> [[linux|{{icon>linux?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] </image> **Secure, fa... n="center"> <image shape="circle"> [[opensource|{{icon>group?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] </image> Communities ... n="center"> <image shape="circle"> [[lpd-basics|{{icon>handshake-o?fw&color=#ffffff}}]] </image> As gue
10 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
]] * [[|the base for the listeners]] ([[http://creati... icial LPD logo square ==== {{:wiki:logo_neu_fuer_icon_128w.png?nolink|}} Download: [[|16x16]] | [[|32x32]] | [[
Event schedule / LPD-Online 2022.1 @en:events:lpd_online_2022-1
3 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
. <callout type="tip" title="Stay up to date!" icon="true" color="#3399F3"> Until May, 14th 2021 the ... y get to know a user group. <callout type="info" icon="true"> **The video of the L-P-D 2021.1** are sti... etails in february ... <callout type="question" icon="true"> **Nothing of interest? The video of the p
Event schedule / LPD-Online 2021.2 @en:events:lpd_online_2021-2
4 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
llout type="warning" title="The LPD 2021 is over" icon="false"> The videos of 2021.1 and 2021.2 are stil... . <callout type="tip" title="Stay up to date!" icon="true" color="#3399F3"> Until November, 13th 2021... y get to know a user group. <callout type="info" icon="true"> **The video of the previous L-P-D (2021.1... eadmore&indent&inline}} <callout type="question" icon="true"> **Nothing of interest? The video of the p
LPD dates
1 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
= Organizational dates ===== <callout type="tip" icon="true"> Get the calender as [[https://wolke8.fkn-
Linux-Presentation-Day [LPD] @en:international:worldwide
7 Treffer, Zuletzt geändert:
300x150.transparent.png?nolink&300|}} {{ :wiki:favicon.ico?nolink&120|}} <fs xx-large>Welcome!</fs> <callout type="info" icon="true"> ==== Call4Papers / Your contributions ===... 21-02-24 11:44// </callout> <callout type="info" icon="true"> ==== Call4Papers / Register contributions... n|Click here]]. </callout> <callout type="info" icon="true" title="LPD Dates:"> \\ * 2021 * 202