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aus Freiwilligen, die ihre Freizeit einbringen um der Gesellschaft einen Nutzen zu bieten. Diese 'Arbei... er, ... und so weiter. Alle diese Dinge fallen leider nicht vom Baum, und auch wenn uns der ein oder andere Lieferant preislich entgegenkommt, muss mindestens das Material bezahlt werden. Aktu
Linux-Presentation-Day [LPD] @en:international:worldwide
6 Hits, Last modified:
s to network with providers in their region; in order to be able to report directly later, for example,... ound the LINUX topic worldwide on a key date in order to introduce and explain LINUX to interested visi... of achieving independence from institutions in order to regain more privacy and self-determination. ... needs. Various media and examples are available under [[:ressourcen|Resources]]. ==== As a helper ===
3 Hits, Last modified:
Hauke Laging, the name was coined by Philipp von der Linden. The logo was created by Ralf Vögtle, Anne... </fs>\\ Licence must be "Free4All".\\ Create a folder with your user group name for it. Add a PNG with ... ea]] Git-Hub Alternative * Cloud Speicher, Kalender, Colab, ... * Online Akademie (Online Lernen, L
Open source @en:public
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share.jpg) }} <container fluid="1" class="lpd-header-sub"> <jumbotron background=" - the video streaming suite - [[|Blender]] - the 3D software - [[|Audacity]] - the audio editor </c
Linux @en:public
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share.jpg) }} <container fluid="1" class="lpd-header-sub"> <jumbotron background=" a hassle anymore (thanks to Steam). Owners of older computers may find new delight using Linux. You w
Invite friends via Social Media @en:public
2 Hits, Last modified:
share.jpg) }} <container fluid="1" class="lpd-header-sub"> <jumbotron background=" d="2" class="lpd-ribbon"> ====== Anything to consider? ====== It would be awesome to have our hashtags
1. Linux-Presentation-Day 2024 @en:public
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share.jpg) }} <container fluid="1" class="lpd-header lpd-video"> <jumbotron background=":medien:bg_150... </container> <container fluid="1" class="lpd-header hidden"> <jumbotron background=":medien:bg_1500_m
LPD dates
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== <callout type="tip" icon="true"> Get the calender as [[
Linux-Presentation-Day basics @en:public
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share.jpg) }} <container fluid="1" class="lpd-header-sub"> <jumbotron background="